Instagram, the image based social media platform, is a fairly new platform in social media land and it is growing fast. The number of new accounts set up is surpassing that of Twitter.

Where the masses go, it’s up to businesses to follow, or ideally it’s best to be there first! There are new platforms emerging all the time on social media and while it’s important to do your social media well, and not spread yourself too thinly across several platforms, it’s important to consider what may be best for your audience.

There is certain scepticism with Instagram as it’s solely image based and there’s currently no way to quickly link an image back to a company website, you have to click on the company name, and then find the URL.

NOTE: Customers do not want to have to work for information, heaven forbid you ask your customer to make two clicks to visit your website. They want to be provided with reams of information, as quickly and easily as possible.

Oh and another thing… It’s a mobile only platform. If you’re trying to talk your 70-year-old CEO into releasing more budget for an image-based-mobile-only-social-media-platform, you’re likely to be met with some resistance…

So why would you bother with Instagram?

Because, if it’s done right, it can really work wonders for your brand. Publishing brand related quality images (or 15 second videos) will strengthen your brand image, your customer loyalty and help to keep your brand front of mind.

You can showcase your products or services using really great imagery, you can show your customers how to use your product through a series of posts, you can post images of your associates using your products and you can even run competitions.

Check out the following brands on Instagram if you’re in need of inspiration.

Nike – showcasing a new range of trainers…

Sephora – showcasing new products, beauty inspiration and brief demonstrations…

Oreo – demonstrating alternative uses, perfect pairings and a fun video. 

American Express – encouraging use of the cards, showing what you can achieve and celebrating savings… 

If you’re having doubts about what platforms to showcase your business on, give us a call, we’d love to help you achieve great results.